Ever wonder why God gave you sisters? Especially when they are getting on your last nerve and you just want to disown them. This past week my week was definitely rough whether it was school or friends it was just a hard week to get through. The only reason that I made it was because of my sisters both blood and sorority sisters.
I realized that God gives us sisters so that in our times we always have someone there to support us. My blood sisters have always been there for me. Especially this summer so when I came back to school I struggled at first because I did not know what to do without my sisters. Then I started to realize that I have now 97 sisters that are always going to be there for me at school. It is hard to describe to some people about the time of bond that you share with your sorority sisters but it is definitely special. They are going to have your back no matter what. They know every little thing about you. They know when you are having a bad day and will do everything in their power to make you feel better. Honestly they do a pretty amazing job most of the time.
As of today I can honestly say I don't know where I would be in life without my blood or sorority sisters. They are the ones that are going to always be there for me. They are going to be there when I get married. They are going to be the first people I go to about everything in life. My sisters are my everything and I would not be as far as I am in life without them.