Friday, May 27, 2011


What would do to be accepted? It's a question that we have all heard. But have you really ever stopped and really thought about it? We always hear the question, would you jump off a cliff if your friends did it. I think that full meaning of this question is not really if your friends did something stupid would you do. I believe that it is more would you do something stupid in order to feel accepted. Maybe everyone else has already figured that one out and I am just a little slow but I think that it is a good question to asks. Most people would probably answer I wouldn't do anything I really didn't want to do, but how do you know that for sure. I feel like a lot of times we answers questions that we truly do not know the answer to unless we are put in that exact situation. Yeah we have the answer that we hope we would do but in the end we don't really know for sure.

If you think about you have probably done a lot of things that you never thought you would do in order to feel accepted. I am sure at some point in your life you treated someone badly because that's what the "in-crowd" was doing and you wanted to be a part of that crowd so you did it too even though you knew it was wrong. You would think that as you got older you would start to care less about what other think about you and you would not feel as though you always needed to be accepted, but I think as we get older we want to be accepted even more than when we were younger. We are influenced by so many different things. Every commercial you see on tv influences you. The media is constantly telling how to look, act, and wear if we wanted to be accepted in the society that we live in. We buy into it too. I know that so many times I have looked at different pictures and thought if I could just have this or that then I would be accepted and happy, but I have learned that is the totally wrong way to think.

Just because you look a certain way, dress a certain way, or act a certain way does not mean that you are automatically going to be accepted. People are so concerned with being accepted that they lose sight of who they once were. They turned into the people that they never thought they would turn into. They are doing things that they said they would never do. It just is so crazy to me think about what people do to be accepted. I know that I fall into this category too that I will do certain things just to feel accepted. I guess at the end of the day though we all have to asks ourselves if being accepted is worth giving up who we truly are? I don't think it is but then again when put in the situation of wanting to be accepted it is hard to remember that. So I believe that sometimes being accepted wins out and that's not how it should be. We should be true to ourselves and not care what other people really think because what do they really know if you are happy that's all that matters.

Friday, May 20, 2011


I just got back a week ago from a much needed vacation. While on this vacation I had a lot of time to just think,relax, and spend time with family. I did a lot of thinking because well I couldn't use my phone and there was no internet so what else was I supposed to do. I'm just kidding I love vacations because they give me so much time to think. I just finished my sophomore year of college and honestly it is so hard for me to believe that I am already halfway done with my college career. I don't feel like I am ready to go out into the real world in two years. It is just very scary for me to think about. Anyways I realized on vacation and pretty much the past few weeks who I really am and where I want my life to go.

This year has not been easy but I have made it through it. I think that there is a reason it was so hard. I think it was for me to realize that I can make through tough times I just have to have faith. I have truly learned how strong I am. I am also starting to realize that I am not one to want to really stay in one place very long. I love to travel and I realized this on my vacation. I was so excited when I got on the plane and the coolest feeling ever is when you take off you get this feeling in your stomach that is hard to describe but I get so excited every time. I sit and I wonder what this trip is going to bring. What new and interesting things am I going to see? What kind of new people am I going to meet? I just love everything about travel. It just gives you so many new experiences and it just makes you open your eyes to things that you have not seen before.

With all this being said I realized that I am a very on the go type person. I always want to be doing something or going somewhere if I'm not then I have feel like I am just wasting my time. I want to travel all over the world the only problem is that I don't have money to do that. I want to go to different countries and help out in any way I can. I really want to work for TOMS but I realized that if I don't get that job I would love a job that I could travel and see different parts of the world because honestly other countries and different cultures interest me so much. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for me. I'm sure whatever it is will be great.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ending Sophomore year

I didn't know if I would have time to write this the day before I go home like I did last year because well I have finals and unlike last year they are going to be hard. Anyways as I sit at my desk for one of the last times and I type one of my last blogs as a sophomore it is all so surreal. I can't believe that I am almost finished with my second year of college. I feel like it was just the other day that I was walking across that stage in my high school gym to receive my diploma and now I am sitting here my room almost completely empty getting ready to complete my sophomore year. As I have said before a lot has happened this year. I feel each year I learn something new. This year I learned that life isn't always so easy. Yes I have been faced with hardships before in my life but none like I had to go through this year.

School this whole year was just hard altogether. First semester there was just so much work I would have to get done in a week and on top of that I have was having issues with some of my friends. I wasn't sure what to do most days. Most days I would come back from classes and do homework and being completely stressed all the time. There was not one day first semester that at the end of the day I wasn't worn out and was ready for bed in hopes that the next day would be better. Now I'm not saying that first semester was completely terrible and that I didn't have a few good days because I did they were just rare and when I did have them I definitely cherished them. It just felt like most days were never ending. So when winter break came around I was so excited. I went home and just had time to relax. When it was time to come back I was not ready because a part of me thought that second semester would be just like first semester. I however convinced myself that it would be better no matter what because there were a lot of good things going on in my life and I was going to become an aunt. Boy was I wrong second semester was not as bad as first semester but just little things would pop up and would be very frustrating. Most of my days were good for the most part. There were so days that I wondered if they would ever end. I joined a sorority second semester and do not regret it one bit. They are changing my life.

This year was definitely hard but it has once again taught me something. It has taught me that things that you believe in are going to be tested. You are going to have those moments when all you want to do is throw in the towel and say that I'm done. However, I learned that if you push through all these hard times that end result is so great. Yes, it was a hard year but I learned so much from this year. I have learned a lot more about myself. Who I am and where my life is going. I learned that even when I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel it's there just waiting on me to realize that it is there.

Life isn't about all the good times. It about the bad times too. It's about the hard times and getting through those hard times that truly makes you who you are. I know that with the bad things that happen in my life I learn from them and I also learn a little bit more about myself. So while this year was hard and I can't wait for a summer with my friends. I learned a lot about myself. How much I can handle and where my life is going from this point.


About Me

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I am an Indiana girl who loves fashion and has always had dreams of owning her own boutique.


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