Saturday, August 28, 2010

Back to School

I have now been back at Ball State for a week and it definitely a change from being at home. I love being back don't get me wrong. However I do not like the start of classes. The first week was not that bad but I need to keep thinking that I can't stress myself out about the little things like I did last year. This year started out completely different as I had to say goodbye to a friend not forever but until I see her again someday in heaven. It was a very difficult week but it made me realize that we don't have forever to live. Some of us have longer than others but some of us could only have a few more days, weeks, or years left in us. My friend was always happy and always smiling I think that is what I learned from her that no matter what is going on to always be happy and have a smiling face. So as I packed up my things and headed off for school I thought about the coming year and what it held. At this point I don't know what it will hold I'm sure it will hold sadness, heartbreak, good and bad time, testing times, stressful times. I know that no matter what this year brings that I will take it on smiling and being happy because that is how we are suppose to live. So stop feeling down if you are and look at all the wonderful things that you get experience and all the things in your life that have yet to come.



About Me

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I am an Indiana girl who loves fashion and has always had dreams of owning her own boutique.


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