Thursday, January 20, 2011


I feel as though my life is at a crossroads. There are so many things that are going on in my life right now. Some things that I am very excited about and other things that I am not sure how to feel about. There are also many things in my life that could be great but I am trying to be patient and see where God takes those things.

Do you ever feel that way about your life? That you are at a crossroads and you are just waiting for God to pick how it is going to go. I guess you could also pick how it is going to go but I would rather leave it up to God. My life right now is not a hot mess but I would not say that I have everything together. I started this semester with not the highest hopes. However, when the first day of classes was done I felt really good about the semester and as it continues I feel better and better about it. I don't dread going to any of my classes.

I feel as though crossroads could change your life. I definitely think that things are about to change but they are definitely going to be for the better. With the passing of my grandma I have realized how important life is. How short it really is. At the service today the preacher said to live everyday like it is you last because eventually you will be right. That hit me hard. I have always thought about living everyday to the fullest because you never know when it is going to be your last. I guess that I never really thought that one of these days it is going to be my last. I want to do so much with my life. I don't want to just sit around and do nothing I want to leave a mark on this world. At the Passion conference one of the speakers said that we are writing our eulogy. Everyday that you are alive you are doing the things that people are going to say about you at your funeral. I don't know but I want the people at my funeral to say great things about me and not say that all she did was work her life away. I want them to say she was an influence on my life. I want to make a difference in this world.

One of these differences is working for TOMS shoes. I know that it is a big dream but it would be such a great opportunity. A lot of times I wonder if I am going into the right major because you hear that people in marketing and the fashion world just tell people what is wrong with them and I definitely do not want to be one of those people. Fashion is definitely a big part of my life. Working for TOMS shoe would definitely be working in the fashion world while helping children in other countries. I love what TOMS shoes does and I would love to be a part of that.

I am definitely at a crossroads in my life but I am definitely looking forward to what the future holds. I know that these changes that are about to come in my life are going to be great.



About Me

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I am an Indiana girl who loves fashion and has always had dreams of owning her own boutique.


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