Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Going Home...

Tomorrow is the day!It is the day that I say goodbye to Ball State for the summer and say hello to the summer at home. I sit at my desk for one of the last times I have mixed feelings about all of this. I am sad to say goodbye to a great year. It's hard to say goodbye to friends that you have only known for a year but feel like you have known them all your life. It is also hard to say goodbye to my freshmen of college because that means one step closer to be out in the real world. I don't know how I feel about this. Don't get me wrong I am ready to be done with school but I don't feel as though I am ready for the real world yet. I still have a hard time believing that I am going to be 20 this year. It hard for me to grow up because I have enjoyed being a kid. I mean who doesn't. Kids are so care free and love to have fun. I know that I need to grow up because it is a part of life but it is scary at times because it is a big responsibility. Saying goodbye to Ball State tomorrow will be a good and a bad feeling.
I am looking forward to a great summer with great friends that I haven't gotten to see in a while. A summer of just relaxing and not having to worry about a lot. I am ready to just hang out and not worry if I have a paper or a test the next day. I am ready to see my two best friends from back home. I'm just ready to be home. Home is where I grew up. It's where I became the person that I am today. It is where my family is. Home is where my faith first started to grow. Home is my safe place and I can't wait to get back to that.

As tomorrow draws closer I can't help but get excited. Tomorrow holds new adventures for me. It holds another chapter in my life. It holds so much potential. But then again I don't really know what tomorrow holds. It will be a great day I am sure. One that I will remember as it is the day that I moved back home from my freshmen year of college at Ball State.



About Me

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I am an Indiana girl who loves fashion and has always had dreams of owning her own boutique.


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